Prolangs Reading Group
Fall 2005
List of Recent Conference Papers (Possible Readings)
a. Birka,M. Ernst, "A Practical Type System and Language for Reference Immutability"
N. Nystrom, S. Chong, A. Myers, "Scalable Extensibility via Nested Inheritance"
B. Dufour, C. Goard, L. Hendren, O. de Moor, G. Sittampalan, C. Verbrugge, "Measuring the Dynamic Behavior of AspectJ programs"
M.Nanda, S. Chandra, V. Sarkar, "Decentrallizing Execution of Composite Web Services"
S. Guyer, K. McKinley, "Finding your cronies: static analysis for dynamic object colocation"
M. Factor, A. Schuster, K. Shagin, "Instrumentation of standard libraries in object-oriented languages: the twin class hierarchy approach"
W. Weimer, G. Necula "Finding and preventing run-time error handling mistakes "
A. Fox, "Addressing software dependability with statistical and machine learning techniques"
H. Rajan, K. Sullivan, "Classpects: unifying aspect- and object-oriented language design"
R. Holmes, G. Murphy, "Using structural context to recommend source code examples",
J. Misurda, J. Clause, J. Reed, B. Childers, M-L Soffa, "Demand-driven structural testing with dynamic instrumentation",
D. Avots, M. Dalton, V. B. Livshits, M.Lam, "Improving software security with a C pointer analysis",
H. Cleve, A. Zeller, "Locating causes of program failures "
J. H. Andrews, L. C. Briand, Y. Labich, "Is mutation an appropriate tool for testing experiments?"
D. Leon, W. Masri, A. Podgurski, "An empirical evaluation of test case filtering techniques based on exercising complex information flows "
T. Apiwattanapong, A. Orso, M-J Harrold, "Efficient and precise dynamic impact analysis using execute-after sequences "
N. Nagappan, T. Ball, "Static analysis tools as early indicators of pre-release defect density "
S. Lerner, T. Millstein, E. Rice, C. Chambers, "Automated soundness proofs for dataflow analyses and transformations via local rules "
Y. Xie, A. Aiken, "Scalable error detection using boolean satisfiability "
S. Gulwani, G. Necula, "Precise interprocedural analysis using random interpretation "
still to come: PLDI'05
Last updated by BGR on September 6, 2005.