PROLANGS Reading Group
PROLANGS holds a regular reading group to discuss research papers on
programming language related topics which is open to all interested
parties. Spring 2000 the group will meet on Thursdays,
from 3:00-5:00pm in CoRE B.
The only rule is that all regular attendees will be called
upon to present a paper at some point. Contact Chung-Hsing Hsu for more details.
Previous Talks
Spring 1999,
Summer 1999,
Fall 1999
List of papers for
related to Java,
USENIX Java articles
Schedule for Spring 2000
01/27 Barbara Ryder
"Analyzing Exception Flow in Java Programs"
M. Robillard and G. Murphy, ESEC/FSE'99.
02/03 Fancong Zeng
"Regaining Control of Exception Handling"
M. Robillard and G. Mruphy, TR-99-14, University of British Columbia.
02/10 Nasko Rountev
"Off-line Variable Substitution for Scaling Points-to Analysis"
A. Rountev and S. Chandra, PLDI'00.
It's a good time to take a short break.
02/24 Jim Benham
"Confined Types"
J. Vitek and B. Bokowski, OOPSLA'99.
03/02 Matt Arnold
"Instruction Scheduling in the Presence of Java's Runtime Exceptions"
M. Arnold, M. Hsiao, U. Kremer, and B. Ryder, LCPC'99.
03/09 Don Smith
"A Static Study of Java Exceptions Using JESP"
B. Ryder, D. Smith, U. Kremer, M. Gordon, and N. Shah, CC'00.
Spring Break
03/23 Matt Arnold
"A Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Heuristics for Inlining"
M. Arnold, S. Fink, V. Sarkar, and P. Sweeney, DYNAMO'00.
03/30 Barbara Ryder
"A Flexible Architecture for Building Data Flow Anlayzers"
M. Dwyer and L. Clarke, ICSE'96.
04/06 Fancong Zeng
"An Out-of-Order Execution Technique for Runtime Binary Translators"
Bich C. Le, ASPLOS'98.
04/11 (Tue)
Bill Griswold's visit
04/13 Tom Marlowe
"Qualified Data Flow Problems" by L. Holley and B. Rosen
IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, 7(1):60-78, Jan. 1981.
04/27 Chung-Hsing Hsu
"A Stable and Efficient Loop Tiling Algorithm"
C.-H. Hsu and U. Kremer, MASPLAS'00.
05/04 Departmental Open House
05/11 Ana Milanova
"Lackwit: Large-Scale Analysis of C Programs Using Polymorphic Type
R. O'cCallahan and D. Jackson