2/4/2004: We now have two reading lists, one from which we will choose our initial readings for the seminar and another which contains optional readings in the same topics. These lists may grow during the term, but for now, look over the top of the first list to see papers you might be willing to read.
The light seminar will cover research topics in the testing of object-oriented programming languages, such as Java and C++. We may cover topics including static and dynamic analyses, software tools and standard testing methodology, especially as they pertain to the testing task. Our focus will be on recent research papers but we also will cover seminal works.
The reading list for last spring's PROLANGS light seminar shows the kinds of articles we read. We especially examine papers from relevant conferences: PLDI, OOPSLA, ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, CC, Java Grande, ICSM, etc. and journals: SPE, TOSEM, TOPLAS, IEEE-TSE.
Participants in this seminar are expected to present at least one research paper during the term. We will meet once every week for approximately 90 minutes on Thursday afternoons, 3:00-5:00pm in CoRE B conference room.
If you have any questions regarding this light seminar, please contact Prof. Ryder (ryder@cs) by email; our organizational meeting will be on Thursday, January 22, 2004. At that meeting, Prof Ryder will present a research talk on "CHIANTI: a change impact analysis tool", the focus of one of her current research projects.
Last updated by BGR on February 4, 2004.