PROLANGS: A Light Seminar on
on Object-oriented Programming Languages
Implementation and Tools
Light Seminar on Apr. 10th is cancelled due to Jim's broken car
Spring 2003
198:500 section 02 index number 52310
Thursdays, 3:00pm-4:30pm, CoRE B
The light seminar will cover research topics in object-oriented programming
languages, including modern compilation technology, programming
environments and tools (including debuggers) and related
software engineering concepts (such as components).
Emphasis will be placed on new conference papers (2000-2002) and outstanding
journal articles.
Important areas of research (related to current PROLANGS projects are)
- analyses and transformations used in compilation of OOPLs
- use of combined static and dynamic analyses in software tools
(especially for testing, change analysis and program understanding)
- uses of analyses to determine resource needs and/or robustness
of web server applications
Attention attendees: The papers being considered for presentation
this term can be found
here. We may add some more papers to this list, but please look it over
and pick some interesting titles as your choice(s) to present. Note:
that these papers have been picked primarily by looking at titles,
short abstracts and authors; there may be some that are not worthwhile
for the group to study -- that is part of the work of picking a paper,
namely to determine whether or not it contains interesting results.
The readings covered in last semester's PROLANGS light seminar is given
here. This term we will concentrate on examining
new papers added to the OOPL literature since 2000. Conferences to be
included are: PLDI, OOPSLA, ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, CC, Java Grande, etc.
Participants in this seminar are expected to present at least one
research paper. We will meet once every week for approx. 90 minutes
on Thursday afternoons, 3:00-4:30pm in CoRE B conference room. If you
have any questions regarding this light seminar, please contact
Prof. Ryder
by email; our organizational meeting will be on
Thursday, January 23, 2003. A tentative beginning schedule of talks
will be developed at that meeting.
A tentative schedule of talks:
- January 30, 2003:
Pratice for job interview
presenter: Ana Milanova
- Feb 6, 2003:
"A Dynamic Optimization Framework for a Java Jit Compiler"
Toshio Suganuma et al, OOPSLA 2001
presenter: Chen Fu
- Feb 13, 2003:
Practice for Job Interview
presenter: Chung-Hsing Hsu
- Feb 20, 2003:
"OMEN: A Strategy for Testing Object-Oriented Software"
Amie L. Souter, Lori . Pollock. ISSTA 2000
presenter: Stas
- Feb 27, 2003:
"Using Paths to Measure, Explain, and Enhance Program Analysis"
Thomas Ball, James Larus. IEEE Computer 33, 2000
presenter: Thomas Marlowe
- Mar 6, 2003:
"Dynamic Sofware Updating
Michael Hicks, et al. PLDI 2001
presenter: Yufei Pan
- Mar 13, 2003:
Separating Features in Source Code: An Exploratory Study
Gail Murphy, et al. ICSE 2001
presenter: Xiaoxia Ren
- Mar 20, 2003:
Spring Break
- Mar 27, 2003:
Pointer and Escape Analysis for Multithreaded Programs
Alexandru Salcianu, Martin Rinard PPoPP 2001
presenter: Weilei Zhang
- Apr 3, 2003:
Encoding Program Executions
Steven P. Reiss, Manos Renieris ICSE01
presenter: Nishkam Ravi
- Apr 10, 2003: NO Meeting Today !
- Apr 17, 2003:
Related Field Analysis
Aneesh Aggarwal, Keith H. Randall PLDI 01
Presenter: Peng Zhou
- Apr 24, 2003:
Software Model Checking in Practice: An Industrial Case Study
Satish Chandra, et al. ICSE 02
Presenter: Tuan Phan
- May 1, 2003:
Extracting Library-Based Object-Oriented Applications
Peter F.Sweeney, Frank Tip SIGSOFT 00
Presenter: Kien T. Le
Aspect-Oriented Programming
Gregor Kiczales, et al. ECOOP 97
Presenter: Sherry X. Liu